Some of my thoughts on non-profits & finance
12-4-18 “Overall, the board’s failure to fulfill its fiduciary duty resulted in a significant overpayment to [the Executive Director] and a misuse of taxpayer funds.” This is from a recent Boston Globe article about mismanagement at a charter school.
Click here to read my thoughts on the simple rules a nonprofit Board should follow to meet their fiduciary responsibility
As I launch my website, I plan to add some of my own thoughts about nonprofit management and finance, as well as articles that I think other would be interested to read. There are so many great resources out there, but it's hard to know them all!
For example, if you're an Executive Director, do you know about the "ED Happy Hour" group on Facebook? I have been so grateful for this community of EDs from around the world who are there for support, suggestions, sharing wisdom and resources.
From Driven Insights: Dave Robinson lays out the core to why financial management is crucial to the success of your nonprofit. In this article, he articulates what the key responsibilities should be of your lead financial director, and how much your organization will benefit.